As an agnostic and unbiased thinker and sense-maker, we try to look at the world through different prisms, in a holistic way but also in a very detailed one, constantly asking, Why is it like that and not like this?
This is what I usually call the ability that enables me to look and see the forest but also the trees and even its roots.
That’s why we make people stop and think, to help them make sense of what they see and experience — of how they understand the world — and what surrounds them, the context in which they’re living and working.
We ask the most fundamental and essential questions in life, such as Who are you?, What are you looking for?, What brings you joy? Questions like these catalyse profound conversations about what it means to live and lead, work and do business in times of change.
Why is this necessary, you may ask. Because we work on the roots and origins of human nature not just over the symptoms. That is why having the much-needed consciousness and awareness about who we are and what surrounds us gives us the possibility of having fruitful conversations from the ability to think openly, critically, and reflectively about what matters most.
By enabling people to have such critical conversations, both with themselves and about themselves and what’s happening around them, they become aware of who they are and where they want to go and can begin to build their own capacity for transformation. A capacity that allows them to thrive in complexity, explore new territories and discover otherwise unimagined opportunities — to transcend even when things are ambiguous and uncertain.
You could think of us as a guide: someone who's willing to help you through because, perhaps, we’ve been there before or because we are aware of the pitfalls, or even because we have, let's say, a broader perspective due to our curious natures and years of research and living experience.
We don’t claim to be wise, what we propose is to make you inquire profoundly, to throw some provocative thoughts, to shed some lights that may spark epiphanies, to show you or put you in some paths to the wisdom that may resonate to you and inspire breakthroughs.
We try to enhance your perception and present things as a way of thinking and a possible formula to end suffering, anxiety, and stress at the individual level and to create possibilities from the challenges and problems at the corporate level.
Management, Business Strategy & Innovation Advisor for start-ups and SME’s
I collaborate directly or through business accelerators on advising and coaching start-ups and SME’s in the areas of management, business model strategy, innovation pipeline and brand marketing.
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culture & leadership
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business agility
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For most metrics measuring human progress (ranging from GDP-per-capita to life expectancy), we’ve never had a better life; yet a surprising number of individuals in high-income countries (most notably in the Anglo-Saxon world) feel miserable at work (where we spend a third of our adult life).
The reasons are manifold and hard to address for traditional companies: purposeless jobs, punitive hours, dreadful commutes, “always-on” culture, increased competition, constant infighting, to name just a few. The takeaway: Businesses that do not offer purpose and flexibility will not be able to retain talent. Small and adaptable has an advantage over large and less elastic…
These issues are at the core of what subjective wellbeing is all about. The example of the New Zealand financial services company Perpetual Guardian (that switched its 240 staff from a five-day to a four-day week while maintaining their pay) has now been extensively researched.
It shows not only that productivity increased, but also that subjective elements such as commitment, stimulation and empowerment went up significantly (by roughly 20 percentage points) while stress-levels went down (from 45 per cent before the four-day policy was put into place to 38 per cent after).
The evidence of a “win-win” (it’s good for employee wellbeing and good for the business bottom line) is so overwhelming in this kind of policies, that inquiry and experimentation should take place immediately in your organisation.
We don't see Humans as Resources as well as we don't think that People should be Managed (manipulated).
That's why our approach is focused on observing and managing Human Factors:
According to the International Ergonomics Association, Human Factors is the scientific discipline concerned with the understanding of interactions among humans and other elements of a system, and the profession that applies theory, principles, data, and other methods to design in order to optimize human well-being and overall system performance.
Human Factors is therefore concerned with observing to identify/assess the existing contexts and then applying what is known about human nature, abilities, limitations, and other characteristics to the design of systems, tasks/activities, environments, and equipment/technologies. It is also concerned with the design of training programs, helping materials, tools and techniques that support the performance of tasks or the use of technology/equipment.
The focus of Human Factors is on how people interact with tasks, with equipment/technologies, and with the environment, in order to understand and evaluate these interactions, therefore, the purpose of Human Factors is to optimize human and system efficiency and effectiveness, safety, health, wellbeing, and quality of life. Co-creating a workplace where every voice matters, everyone thrives, flourishes, succeeds and finds meaning, and where transformation, transcendence and innovation happen naturally.
“You need the right people with you, not the best people.” — Jack Ma
Do you understand that your company's social reputation and related costs are impacted the moment someone applies for a job with you? Everything you do in today's complex working world is transparent and can impact the future health of your organization.
Do these situations sound familiar to you?:
The black hole of resume death that applicants experience means they tell others about how your company cares about those wanting to work there
The intrusive interviews with meaningless pseudoscientific inquiries into the inner-self make people anxious, fearful and disengaged before they even start working for you
The demand for previous salary information means you get a reputation for wanting to pay less than the job is worth
The onboarding experience sucks out the vitality and value of pretty much everybody you hire
The brutal by-the-numbers, command and control, toxic-bullying management experience gets transmitted to friends and family (and spreads far and wide)
The gap between your espoused culture and actual environment (and your unwillingness to recognise it) leaves employees demoralised and depressed (they tell people about it) Let this go on and nobody will want to work for you in the future. Your future of work is today.
Want meaningful insights about what the future must be in terms of attracting and managing people? About the present and future of work? Then you’re at the right place.
Instead of winning a war for talent, organizations appear to be waging a war on talent, repelling and alienating employees more successfully than harnessing their skills.
If organizations want to turn around current trends and start unleashing human potential, one good place to start is simply helping individuals understand their own talents–and limitations–a lot better. We’ve gotten so used to coaching to people’s strengths that weaknesses get left unaddressed.
Self-awareness, in other words, is a sorely undervalued talent enhancer because it can help people identify jobs that actually match their values and skills.
Talent is largely purpose, drive and virtuosity in the right place, and most talent management problems are solved once you get the right person in the right job. Let’s help you that.
Because a large percentage of adult life is spent working, it’s essential that organisations find ways to support and facilitate the life of their collaborators so they can enjoy their time at work and find a sense of fulfilment and purpose.
According to Psychology Today, job crafting is when employees alter their jobs in such a way as to better suit their skills, interests and intrinsic motivations, thereby increasing their job satisfaction. With job crafting, collaborators can make subtle, yet meaningful changes to the scope of their work, interactions with colleagues or customers at work. This way they are able to transform their mindset to focus more on the purpose of their role and self-rewarding work.
Human nature is to become limitless, that’s why people always want and crave for more and more, they want to experience and accomplish new things, they need to feel stimulated and challenged in order to feel a sense of purpose in their work, that they are contributing to something important and meaningful to them and others.
Job crafting doesn’t mean it’s a complete free-for-all though. Changes and adaptations to tasks and roles should be carefully analysed, balanced and aligned accordingly to the needs of the organisation and the desires of the collaborator. The truth is that even a few small adjustments can make a world of difference for some.
knowledge brokering
A knowledge broker is an intermediary that aims to develop relationships and networks with, among, and between producers and users of knowledge by providing and enabling access to information from multiple sources and engaged in informing, aggregating, compiling, signalling information, linkages, knowledge sources, and in some cases, knowledge itself, (e.g. technical know-how, market insights, research evidence), he's also concerned with helping people make sense of and apply information and engaged in disseminating, translating and communicating knowledge and ideas; improving knowledge use in decision making and engaged in bridging, matching, connecting, convening, linking, boundary spanning, networking and facilitating people; engaged in negotiating, building, collaborating and managing relationships and processes, always taking into account the changing contexts to enable innovation, thereby supporting co-development and improving the innovative capability of organizations in their network.
The Evolution of Masterminds.
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